Friday, February 18, 2011

FIx My Car App

Smart phone apps really allow for all kinds of creativity.  It seems like many people have great ideas for apps.  Here's one of mine, with a little help from my father-in-law.

The fix my car app would be great for people who don't know a whole lot about cars.  If you ever thought you were having car trouble you would access the app, turn it on, it would record the sound your car made idling or reved up or in gear.  The app would then access a database of sounds based off your car model and analyze the noise.  It would diagnose what was wrong and then suggest what type of mechanic, or DIY fix, would solve the problem.

If you were having other troubles that you couldn't record on a phone there would be a series of questions to help diagnose the issue.  So if your windows weren't going up and down you would start with a "windows and doors" heading and follow the questions the app asks you until you get to a suggested fix for your problem.


Do you have an app idea?  If so do you mind sharing your idea?


  1. I'd love an app that helps me calculate the amount of food storage I need, then finds the best place to buy it based on the price. Then, I could use my phone to scan each item I remove from the food storage, and the app could automatically add it to my shopping list app so I can replace it.

  2. Oh that;s such a good idea! The landscaping thing could be an app too instead of software...

  3. Do you think that an app that could pimp your ride would be awesome? Imagine this: you take a photo of your car then add in the paint job and all of the aesthetic stuff, all in a few seconds. You can make your car look like you've made upgrades to transform it into a fully pimped up ride! That idea may not sound unique to you, though.
