This blog is dedicated to cultivating creativity. Many of the ideas on this blog could potentially cause harm, damage, death, maiming, holes, scorch marks or wreckage if done improperly which I assume no responsibility for. I cover a broad range of subjects including but not limited to engineering, biology, marketing, cooking, yard care, children, business ideas, etc. so poke around, your bound to find something you'll find interesting.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween: Superman Costume
This is my costume for Halloween this year. It's got Velcro on the buttons so I can tear my shirt open all day long.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Screen Glasses For Your Computer
I spent quite a bit of time bent over a computer screen today and got a great big kink. I have the monitor up high on my desk but ended up working at another desk and totally killed my neck in the process. I think it would be cool to have monitor glasses that you could put on that would plug into your computer. Then you wouldn't have to worry about all the desk space a monitor takes up and you wouldn't have to crane your neck if it weren't set up to your ergonomics. They would have to be HD.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
USB Key Slide Out on your Smart Phone
Most smart phones come with a USB female port. It would be cool if they had a slide out male USB plug.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Wifi Robot Spider for Crawl Spaces and Acoustical Ceilings
At Radio Shack you can pick up little remote control hex bots. Some look like little crabs or spiders. I have recently needed one of those little babies with a video feed and a little claw to grab (and potentially drag) a wire or debris. You could use it to inspect crawl spaces (for all you home inspectors out there) or to run flex tube or wire through gaps too small and too long for human hands.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Double Baby Back/Front Pack
This idea comes from my little sis who just had twins. She said she needed a baby carrier like a baby backpack and a front carrier all in one. You could have a front and back pouch like the front carrier. It would be like the bags the paper boy carries only for babies.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Today's good idea is the pumpkin I carved last night with the family. Not to toot my own horn or anything but I do pretty well with my jack-o-lanterns.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Hot Chocolate Drinking Fountains
This one comes to us from my sweet daughter. She said it would be nice if the drinking fountains at school would run with hot chocolate during the winter months. It would be nice for parks where the drinking fountains are only running for six months out of the year anyway.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunny Day Lights
I love the summer because the sun comes up early and goes down late. I love the other seasons too but I have a harder time getting up in the morning when it's pitch dark outside. What I need are timed lights that gradually get brighter and brighter just like the sun coming up during the summer time. So when my alarm goes off at 6:30 my room is bright. I think (at least for me) it helps get someone out of bed.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Built in Butt Cushion in you Pants
I went to two football games and some church functions that were hard on my seat. Basically I spent 10 hours on a metal seat this weekend. I really could have used built in air cushioning in my pants. You could hook up a CO2 cartridge to a bladder that would blow up with the push of a button. It would make you butt look inflated but I think you could get away with it, especially in church. Then when you were done with the cushion you could press a release valve and let your weight empty the bladder.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
IRobot Sander
I love the iRobot collection. If you haven't seen what they do you should take a look at: Anyway, I think one good idea would be to make an iRobot sander. Then if you needed to refinish the deck you could just set it up before you leave for work or get ready to watch a football game and when your finished you've got a stainable surface. This would be a good tool for hardwood flooring guys or people who refinish tables.
Friday, October 21, 2011
You Talk Too Much App
This is an app for people who tend to talk too much when they get nervous. The app would rely on voice recognition and a timer. An individual before going into a situation that might make them nervous would turn the app on, then the app would listen for the users voice as they spoke. If the user talked too many seconds in a row the app would make the phone vibrate, thus reminding the user they need to shut their mouth. You would have to train your phone to recognize your voice but I think they already have that technology in place. I think it would be good for first dates, negotiation and meeting the parents. The vibrate could also get increasingly violent if you continued to talk through the reminders.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Red Neck Vacations
We recently visited an alligator farm in Louisiana. It was a blast, it also made me think that people might pay to run a place like that for a day or two. So the idea of Red Neck Vacations were formed. You could include the following activities: gator hunting, noodleing (catching cat fish with your bare hands), swamp logging, banjo playing, fried anything eating, running an alligator farm, bass fishing, fixing beat up cars, etc.
What would you want on your Red Neck Vacation?
What would you want on your Red Neck Vacation?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Crayons and Activity Sheet on a Flight
I think the kids would appreciate it if the air lines took a page out of the restaurant industries book and offered crayons and an activity sheet on each flight. It would also give the airlines an opportunity to advertise to the next generation in a really fun cartoony way.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Toaster Pot Pie
I like the toaster more than the microwave. There are a lot of things I think that could be improved on in you could slim them down and heat them up horizontally in the toaster (not the toaster oven). Pot pies are one of them, think of them as a pot pie pop tart.
Are there any foods you would like in toaster friendly form?
Are there any foods you would like in toaster friendly form?
Monday, October 17, 2011
A Head Mount for your Smart Phone
I'm a little torn on this idea. Basically it would be a head band that had a little arm where you could mount your smart phone to watch videos on. The good is you could do menial chores and tasks all over the house and into the yard and keep the same show on the whole time. The bad is I could see someone wearing one while they drive and then suing the company that makes them when they hit a pole. I could watch a back yard makeover show while mowing the lawn.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
iRobot for the Kitchen Counter Tops
iRobot is a company that builds robot vacuum cleaners and robot floor moppers, to name a few. I would really like a robot that would clean the kitchen counters (and maybe the stove top) every night.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Web Access on the TV's at the Gym
I love to work out at the gym. I love to ride the bike and be distracted watching re-runs of "Fresh Prince" and "Mythbusters". The other day I got on a bike and started the movie "Wedding Singer". I only had a half an hour before I needed to shower and get to work so I could only see the first little bit. I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be great if I had my Netflix right here on this TV?" If the TV's had web connections I could get on any exercise device with a TV attached and start watching right where I left off. That way oin two days when I go back to the gym, I could just start watching the "Wedding Singer" again.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Anesthetized Flight
My wife hates to fly and I love her so I want the world to be a better place for her. So I have an idea. Knock everyone out before you take off. Think about it for a second. You get on a plane, sit down, place a mask over your face and fall peacefully asleep. If everyone on the plane was asleep you could reduce the cost of the flight by not having flight attendants. What you save on labor you spend on drugs to keep people in dream land. I think a lot of people would embrace a three hour nap from Denver to LA.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Grass from your Favorite Stadium
Grass grows back really quickly when you cut a section out. I was driving past a turf farm watching them cut up sections of grass when I had a thought. Why can't baseball or football stadiums do the same thing. They could take a section of the field that isn't part of the field of play and cut out grass sections (that would replace themselves) and sell the grass in little squares to fanatics?
What field square would you buy?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Sky Mall Shop in the Airport
Why doesn't Sky Mall have a shop in the Airport? Lots of people look through those things and think, "I should own a replica of Voldemort's wand. Wow and for only $49.99 I can." You have lots of people who are on vacation or seeing loved ones and those kookie gifts and souvenirs are just what they are looking for.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Yoga Class that Teaches how to Sleep in Cramped Quarters
Can you tell I was on a plane recently? It would be great if there was a yoga class that could teach you how to position your body so you could sleep comfortably on a really cramped plane. The positions could be called "Between two fat warriors" and "Broken neck crane". I was looking through the sky mall magazine and really considered buying one of those ridiculous inflatable tray table pillows even though I only fly once a year and in the middle of the day.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Play Place in the Airport
We traveled by plane with four kids under the age of 7 all the way across these great American States. As my children crawled under the empty seats on a layover I had an epiphany. They need play places in the airport. They need a place parents can take their kids and sit and watch and rest. Then the kids are all worn out before they get on their flight. Really it's a courtesy for the other people on the plane to provide that option. It would be especially good for air ports that serve as major hubs (Denver) or ones close to kid touristy spots (Orlando).
Sunday, October 9, 2011
iRobot Shop Vac
They now have robot vacuums that go around your living room automatically and clean up. I want one that has the power to sweep my garage and the profile to fit under my car. Then at night the robot could sweep up the whole garage, even under the cars. You would probably want to put the bot someplace visible so in the morning you could confirm it wasn't stuck under one of your tires.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Gator Farms in the West
We've been visiting family in Louisiana and I have to say I love the abundance of red neck fun out here. One of the best experiences we've had is a tour of Kleibert's Alligator Farm. The family who runs the farm has been featured on the show "Swamp People". Well we had a blast and it made me think why we don't have gator farms in the west. There would a couple of advantages. First you would be the only gator farm for thousands of miles in all directions thus giving you a tourism monopoly on gator tours. The second is the proximity to Japan and China. Don't laugh I've very serious about this point. They use many of the gator parts in Asia for medicine. If you were to relocate to Arizona or California you would be that much closer thus reducing the cost of shipping.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Polarized Glass Roof
Polarized glass only allows a fraction of light through based off the direction of wave length of the light. If you double up on panes and then slowly rotate one of the panes the amount of light coming through will be directly related to the angle of rotation of the second pane. The long and short is make a window with polarized glass where one of the panes and rotate (perhaps round windows). Then if you needed privacy or wanted to block the harsh summer sun you could rotate the panes. I see the best viable option for it in sky lights where it's difficult to get blinds that work horizontally.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Remote Dock on TV
Today's idea is real simple. A dock on your TV where you can recharge (and store) your remote.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Physical Chess
Get in shape both body and mind: Play Exercise Chess! So here's how it would work. The chess board would be set up the way it is normally. Players would agree how long each side should have total to make their moves for the entire game (I like to play 5 min a side). You begin like any normal chess game but once you loose a piece you have to do some exercise associated with loosing that piece. A pawn for example would be worth 10 jumping jacks, a bishop would be 12 chair dips and for loosing a queen 20 push-ups. Your time would count down not just while you thought and moved pieces but also while you were doing your "earned" exercise. Your timer gets down to zero and you loose.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
PE for Adults
I could see this working our really well for big corporations. Basically they would hire a PE coach and employees would be allowed to take a one hour PE class from coach. PE would cover all kinds of stuff like ultimate frisbee, running, softball, basket ball, weights, yoga, etc. Health care would hopefully go down due to healthier employees and worker's comp claims would go up from all the sprained ankles and pulled muscles.
What would you add to the PE line up?
Monday, October 3, 2011
Dog Trainer Using the Web Cam
My dog is not suppose to go upstairs and only sneaks up there to do naughty things like drink out of the kids toilet and tear diapers apart. I've tried to catch him but he knows his actions are naughty and never goes up when anyone is home. I figured out a way to scare him into not going upstairs, I'll use my iChat and leave my lappy at the top of the stairs, then everyone has to leave and I'll call my lappy from another computer and "watch" for the little bugger when he makes his move. What I need is one of those really annoying horns they use at basketball games that I can connect to my computer via USB and then activate it when I see him coming up the stairs. Or better yet I need a computer program that uses the camera to recognize my dog and set the horn off if he gets close to the computer.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Guages for your Computer
Your car has gauges that tell you how much fuel you have, how fast your are going, oil temperature, etc. Wouldn't it be cool if you could hook a dash full of gauges up to your computer. Then you would know how much memory you were using, how much hard drive you had left, how fast your internet was running. And it could look just like the gauges in your car.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Childhood Dream Vacation
As a child I often dreamed of being locked inside a grocery store overnight. I knew exactly what food I would go for first (candy) and day dreamed about what heavenly delights I would stuff myself with through the night. I also dreamt about being locked inside a toy store overnight. Today's good idea is to make those childhood dreams come true. You could start a company that specialized in getting people (who were willing to pay) locked into their childhood dream. Some other locations I though of were the local college/professional stadium, the arcade, a department store, a potato chip factory, a furniture store.
Where do you want to be locked in overnight?
Where do you want to be locked in overnight?
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