Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Robo Pooper Scooper

I've featured robo vac and I think the robo mower.  What the world needs is the robo pooper scooper.  It would run through your yard every day ridding your grass of the mess your dog leaves.

1 comment:

  1. Let's add to that robo diaper changer and robo dishwasher: two of my least favorite tasks.

    But seriously, you could design the baby's diaper to be just like the deck on new lawn mowers. The mowers have a threaded spout on the side that connects perfectly to a hose, so that you can easily wash out the accumulated grass clippings after mowing. I would love to put my kid in the tub, hook a tube from the bath faucet to his diaper, and simply wash out all the stuff.

    As for a dishwasher... when was the last significant innovation in the world of dishwashers? When I was recently in an appliance store, I noticed that the new dishwashers have two separate drawers. Interesting, but not life changing. What if you installed a garbage disposal in the bottom of the dishwasher. That way, you wouldn't have to even rinse the dishes before putting them in. Kids left half their veggies uneaten? No problem! Just dump the whole plate into the dishwasher.
