Thursday, December 1, 2011

Professional Christmas Present Giver

I pride myself on giving good presents.  I had a good friend in high school that taught me his ways.  It's a pretty simple formula: listen and take note.  I listen to those around me (my wife, my dad, my siblings) and when they say they want something, no matter what time of year it is, I write it down.   I also think a lot about what to get people.  Some say it's the thought that counts, which usually means they put little thought into a pre-packaged cop-out.  Why not put my present giving talent to use and do it for others?  I could set up a service that allows people to access a web site that would give people the opportunity to answer a bunch of questions about the person they needed to get a gift for.  The site would collect the answers and spit out a couple good suggestions.  You could have price filters and "already has it" boxes to help the search along.  The site could also have a store where you could purchase a unique gift.

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