Monday, August 22, 2011

Empathy Camp

This is a good suggestion from my wife.  Empathy camp would be a camp where you could spend a week being the mother of four.  This would help people understand what it takes to get four kids to the grocery store, through a couple hours of church or keep a house clean.  After a week they would be perfect candidates for the insane ward of the local mental hospital or ready to face the world with way more empathy then they started the week with.  I think it would be good for marketers who wanted to "get inside" the mind of their consumers.


  1. What a good idea! It would definitely have to be at least and would help people have more empathy for sure! You could do the same thing with having a stay-at-home mom go to work for a week with a mean boss and stressful deadlines and then coming home to more to-do lists.

  2. That's funny! Yes, while I am only a mother of three, that is a fantastic idea!

  3. Pedophiles and troubled teens would be sent to that camp. Maybe have background checks and an age limit?
