Monday, May 23, 2011

Best Garage Sales in the U.S. Vacation

Garage salers are hard core.  My buddy did a garage sale the other day that was suppose to start at 8:00am.  Well around 6:00 am the door bells goes off and it's a shopper who wants to rummage through his garage before he sets up.  During the same neighborhood garage sale I noticed a ton of really crappy stuff and it got me thinking.  Where in the United States would you find the most outrageous, interesting, valuable or quirky stuff?  And if you could find those awesome sales could you talk the worlds cheapest people into paying to go on vacation to those sales.  I bet there are some cool sales in California near Hollywood, New York city probably has some amazing flea market stuff, Silicon Valley, New Orleans, etc.

What would you take a vacation to buy?

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