Friday, May 27, 2011

The Places My Children Have Peed

My wife and I have joked about writing a book called "The Places My Children Have Peed/Vomited/Pooped/Taken Off Their Cloths".  It would be a book full of stories from parents about the inappropriate places their kids have done their business.  I think to save the kids from the shrink you would need to change all the names for identity purposes.


  1. You might have to move this post to your "mediocre idea a day" blog. I don't think a book like that would sell well.

  2. I think its funny. I know we'd have some pretty awesome stories to contribute!

  3. I seriously think we should do it. Maybe I'll pitch the idea to Sara...

  4. I think you'd actually have success. There is a website called Stuff my kids ruined, and I think you could maybe do a similar thing.
