Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Protect Your Driver Seat Like the MD Does

I have a tidy car, considering the normal state of chaos my desk and room are in.  I also have a job and hobbies that require I get dirty, dusty, muddy, wet, sweaty, etc. every once in a while.  I kick myself often enough that I don't have a towel to throw over my seat that I've come up with an alternative.  A paper roll under the seat that you could tear off like the tables at the doctors office.  Then when you caught in a jam you could just pull the paper out and block your seats from all the mud or whatever.  You could also do a retractable seat cover that would be water proof (read sweaty).  The problem with the retractable seat cover is what do you do with the stuff that has accumulated on top of the cover?

1 comment:

  1. I think the medical paper roll sounds like a good idea! It might also be handy if you have leather seats in the summer to prevent burning your skin on the seats! I also had an mostly unrelated idea a few weeks ago, but your idea of retractable seat covers jogged my memory. Since booster seats are now encouraged for children of increasingly older ages, all seats in vehicles could have built in booster seats that pull down from the back rest. Even the driver's seat could have one, so that when people get on in years they don't have to look through the steering wheel to see out the window, but can still look over the wheel and be safer drivers! What do you think?
