Sunday, March 6, 2011

100 books in 100 pages

I've done quite a bit of reading recently.  I found a great list of 99 books called the "Give Yourself an MBA" list.  Fortunately one of the first books on the list is one about speed reading.  Most of the books I read (business books) can be speed read and summed up in a single page.  I've created a folder at work that I keep that has key points from each book I read.  Well why not just make a book of the 99 books.  Some, of course, should be read entirely but imagine how fast you could go through books if they were summed up in a single page.  And for the authors of those books, a single page may be a great way to get people interested in something they wouldn't read otherwise.

Be honest now, how many of the books you've read in the last little while were great and need to be read whole and how many could be summed up in a page?

1 comment:

  1. I just received a book exactly like for my birthday last Fall! It's called "The 100 Best Business Books of All Time". It's phenomenal - I highly recommend it!
