Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Curtain Air Bags for the Kids

Yes if you couldn't tell from the last couple of posts we are traveling for spring break.  My mind is naturally full of travel and vacation and my ideas come along those lines.

What if there was a button the drive could push that would drop a curtain airbag between two fighting kids.  It wouldn't really matter how you built the rest of the minivan that option alone would sell the thing.  I can see it in my mind:
Potential Minivan Purchaser: "Didn't Consumer Reports warn that this van's engine starts on fire every fourth time you start it?"
Salesman: "Yeah, but did you see this?" (pushes button) "It keeps your kids from being able to touch each other."
PMP: "Wow that's amazing, I'll take it!"
Salesman: "This is a popular model so it'll take close to 6 months for the back orders to clear up.  While you are waiting for your new van our dealership would like to offer you a Toyota Sienna as a loaner.  We have a ton just lying around since this new model came out."

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