Friday, May 20, 2011


We have issues getting our kids fully potty trained.  My wife and I have frequently pined that there was a place you could send you kids for a couple weeks in the summer and when they get home they are potty trained.  Potty camp would be very expensive because of the nature of the parental outsourcing but totally worth it to your carpet.


  1. Mark & I are constantly arguing about whether it's ok for our munchkin to pee in a bush. I say yes, he says no. Between underpants being wet or the great outdoors, I know my vote!
    Maybe put some foliage in your living room to save the carpet?

  2. ps. that's Sara Megibow by the way

  3. Wow, I would have assumed it would be the dad that is OK with outdoor bathroom. And I think your idea of putting pots in the house for the kids to emergency in should be the next good idea a day.
