Thursday, August 11, 2011

Am I

This would be a great web site for individuals who frequently look back at the things they shared at a party and say, "Dang, I probably shouldn't have shared that."  You would simply type in something you were thinking about talking about and the social setting (party, work, at a family reunion) in which you would be doing the talking.  The web site would rate how crazy you are on a scale on 1-10 based off how inappropriate or weird that thing was and the social setting you were willing to spill the beans in.  For example you could type in that you were thinking about complaining about your neighbors dog to close family at dinner on Sunday.  You might get a 2.  Or you could type in how you want to share the details of a recent mole removal session at a speed dating event, that would probably score closer to 7 or 8.

1 comment:

  1. I love that! That would be hilarious! I'd actually probably use it a lot....
