Monday, August 8, 2011

Friend Helping Friend List

This is a good suggestion from my brother-in-law.  He is fantastic at fixing and maintaining computers but not so hot at fixing cars.  He suggested there be a feature on facebook or another site where you list your talents and skills to your friends and offer a barter of some sort.  For example he would say he's good with computers and then say two hours of fixing your computer is worth 3 hours of fixing his car or a new Wii game.  I'm fantastic with handy man stuff so I would list replacing an in sink erator with a large pizza and a dozen donuts or 1 hour of babysitting my kids.

What would you exchange?


  1. Hmmm. I'm a writer, but then so is Natalie. When you get famous from all your ideas, I could write a press release or article about you and all your awesome ideas/inventions:) My husband is an almost-attorney. I'm hoping he gets a job in intellectual property/patents and he get trade some legal help for fixing the air conditioning in our car! Too bad we don't live closer:(

  2. I failed to mention "Photoshopping silly pictures of your family" as one of my talents. I could do that from a distance.

  3. This is an amazing idea! I just need to come up with an awesome talent then I can trade with you and Zach and you guys can make me a sweet built in for my computer which will work again :) Perfect!
