Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Mall With it All

They should make a mall that has everything.  This mall would appeal to people who have a ton of stuff to do at lunch (other than eat).  I would suggest the following basics in addition to what already exist in a regular mall.
- Post office
- Dry cleaning place
- Pharmacy
- Banks
- Library
- Massage place
- Urgent care and/or general practice M.D.
- Day care center

What would you add to a mall to make it the "mall with it all"?


  1. Living in Minneapolis where the Mall of America (affectionately known as the MOA) resides, it's hard to imagine a comprehensive mall without a couple of roller coasters.

  2. I've seen all of your suggestions in a mall except for a pharmacy, bank, or library, and they are good ideas.
